Do Quality Over Quantity.

"Quality over quantity" is a popular phrase that emphasizes the importance of focusing on producing high-quality work or products, rather than just churning out a large quantity of mediocre or low-quality output.

In many areas of life, it is often more beneficial to prioritize quality over quantity. For example, when it comes to personal relationships, having a few close and meaningful connections is generally more fulfilling than having a large social circle of superficial acquaintances.

Similarly, in the business world, producing a smaller number of high-quality products or services can often be more profitable and beneficial in the long run than trying to mass-produce a large quantity of lower-quality items.

In terms of productivity, it is often better to focus on accomplishing a few important tasks to a high standard, rather than trying to complete a large number of tasks at a lower level of quality.

Ultimately, the phrase "quality over quantity" emphasizes the importance of valuing excellence and striving for the best possible outcomes, rather than simply trying to produce as much as possible without regard for quality.
